Have you noticed yourself feeling anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed, as if some days it’s just too hard to face it all? Are you struggling in your relationships with friends and loved ones? Does work that you usually enjoy feel unfulfilling and unrewarding? Are you just feeling stuck and not sure what to do? When you're feeling stuck in place, it can often be difficult to reach out for help, but you’re here so you’ve made that all important first step. Maybe something new is going on, or something that’s been in the background for a while is making itself known. Whatever it might be, together we will work towards a resolution.
My passion is helping you to heal from whatever is impacting your life. Is it anxiety or depression about an event or trauma in your life that is causing you to not feel and act as your best self? Or have you been through an trauma or loss that is bringing up feelings of grief that you need help resolving? Are you experiencing chronic physical pain that impacts your ability to live your life and contributes to feeling hopeless and helpless? We all experience traumatic and life changing events in our own way and I am committed to working with you to identify and address your concerns in whatever way they manifest for you. My goal is to help you live the life you choose. We can journey to your past, stay in the present, or work together to resolve spiritual and philosophical conflicts. You lead – I follow.
One of the most powerful tools in my toolbox is Accelerated Resolution Therapy, which is an offshoot of EMDR. When appropriate, it can help your conscious, logical self and your unconscious, emotional self to begin working together instead of in opposition. I’m skilled in an eclectic mix of therapy modalities such as CBT, DBT, ACT, and mindfulness to name a few to ensure that you receive support that is tailored to you. If all these letters overwhelm and confuse you, no worries. Just know that they represent possible avenues for you to receive the healing help you so deeply want. The result is healing, growth, peace, and tranquility.
If my personalized approach to your healing resonates with you and sounds like what you've been looking for, please reach out to schedule a free 15-30 minute conversation either by phone or video conference to discuss how I can help and be sure we will be a good fit together.
I look forward to helping you along your journey to peace and tranquility.

Shanti Source Counseling LLC
439 S. Kirkwood Rd
Suite 208
Kirkwood MO 63122
314 202 6867